It has been seen that children who acquire self confidence at an early age are far more likely to succeed in their adult ambitions.
Taekwon-Do is one of the best ways of instilling confidence into children whilst also emphasising the importance of respect and discipline. Our classes for children under the supervision of fully qualified Instructors will encourage each child to achieve his/her potential, learning new skills and making new friends.
Our “Taekwon-Kids” classes have a challenging and structured training program and will help equip each student with the knowledge and necessary skills required to ably defend themselves, whilst instilling the key values of discipline and respect.
Many of our classes are set up to cater for students of all ages, allowing families to participate in the same class, giving an opportunity for all members of a family to share the same hobby and spend quality time working together towards improving their health, fitness, and self defence skills.
Places in our classes are limited, please fill out the form below to arrange a free trial class.
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